War Bride
Set during World War II, this film follows the journey of a spirited young woman named Lily, played by Anna Friel, who marries a Canadian soldier and moves to his rural hometown while he is away at war. The story explores themes of cultural clash and resilience as Lily navigates her new life with her husband’s family, who are less than welcoming. The film is directed by Lyndon Chubbuck and features Brenda Fricker in a supporting role. While it did not receive major awards, it offers a poignant look at the challenges faced by war brides. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lyndon Chubbuck
Actors: Aden Young, Anna Friel, Brenda Fricker, Caroline Cave, Gabrielle McLaren, Julie Cox, Keeley Gainey, Loren Dean, Molly Parker, Schyler McLaren
Country: Canada, United Kingdom
Company: DB Entertainment, Random Harvest Pictures, Vanguard Entertainment