Walking Vengeance
Desperate to escape her affluent yet abusive and intoxicated drug-lord spouse, Felix, Ana (played by Elena Anaya) deceives her recently released sister, Aurora (portrayed by Ariadna Gil), along with two former criminal associates, into assisting her. With their team back together, the women embark on plotting a robbery that promises to free Ana from Felix’s grasp and secure them a lifetime of financial security.
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Director: Agustín Díaz Yanes
Actors: Antonio Zúñiga, Ariadna Gil, Dagoberto Gama, Diego Luna, Elena Anaya, Everardo Arzate, Jorge Roldan, José María Yazpik, Pilar López de Ayala, Victoria Abril
Company: Antena 3 Films, Boomerang Cine, Canana Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,326,023