VeggieTales: Celery Night Fever
In this animated adventure, the beloved VeggieTales characters embark on a journey of friendship and forgiveness set against a backdrop of disco fever. The story follows Larry the Cucumber and his friends as they try to save their town from a mysterious villain while rekindling old friendships and learning valuable life lessons. Featuring the voice talents of Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki, the film combines humor and heart with catchy musical numbers. Although it did not receive any major awards, it remains a favorite among fans of the series. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Mike Nawrocki
Actors: Brian K. Roberts, Cydney Trent, Gigi Abraham, J. Chris Wall, Lisa Vischer, Michael Nawrocki, Mike Nawrocki, Phil Vischer, Terry Crews, Tim Hodge
Company: Big Idea Entertainment, DreamWorks Animation