A group of friends embarks on a weekend getaway to an island, where they encounter a mysterious nightclub owner who introduces them to a new designer drug that strips away inhibitions. As the effects of the drug intensify, the friends find themselves spiraling into chaos and violence, revealing their darkest desires. The film features Pierce Brosnan and Justin Chatwin, adding star power to the intense narrative. Directed by Aaron Kaufman, this thriller explores the consequences of unchecked indulgence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Aaron Kaufman
Actors: Alexis Knapp, Ashley Greene, Bar Paly, Chris Geere, Danny Masterson, James DeBello, Justin Chatwin, Nick Thune, Olga Merediz, Pierce Brosnan
Country: United States of America
Company: Blackmrkt, Green-Light International, Sculptor Media
Worldwide Gross: $47,740