Uber Goober
“Über Goober” delves into the intriguing, often misunderstood, and sometimes contentious realm of Gamers, which is invariably tinged with a touch of geekiness. Directed by Steve Metze, the documentary investigates various communities, including historical miniature enthusiasts, role-playing aficionados, and individuals known as “LARPers.” The film also addresses challenges from religious factions, unfavorable media depictions, and some of the harshest street interviews ever captured on video. Get to know the Gamers, discover their unique jargon, witness their peculiar customs, marvel at their semi-authentic attire, and be captivated by the artistry of their miniature painting techniques!
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Steve Metze
Actors: Becca Smith, Gary Gygax, John Kovalic, Luke Sienkowski, Phil Viverito, Rob Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: Scum Crew Pictures LLC