Tower of Terror
In this 1997 supernatural mystery, a disgraced journalist, played by Steve Guttenberg, teams up with his niece, portrayed by Kirsten Dunst, to investigate a haunted hotel. The story unfolds as they delve into the mysterious disappearance of five people in an elevator decades earlier, uncovering secrets and ghostly encounters along the way. Directed by D.J. MacHale, the film combines elements of suspense and family-friendly adventure. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it remains a nostalgic piece for fans of 90s Disney TV movies. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: D.J. MacHale
Actors: Alastair Duncan, Amzie Strickland, Kirsten Dunst, Lindsay Ridgeway, Lynne Donahoe, Melora Hardin, Michael McShane, Nia Peeples, Shira Roth, Steve Guttenberg
Country: United States of America
Company: Walt Disney Television, Zaloom Mayfield Productions