Thomas & Friends: Santa’s Little Engine
In this charming holiday special, Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends on the Island of Sodor prepare for the festive season with excitement and cheer. The story unfolds as Thomas takes on the important task of helping Santa Claus, showcasing themes of friendship, teamwork, and the spirit of giving. The film features the beloved characters from the Thomas & Friends series, bringing joy to young audiences with its heartwarming narrative. While it may not have received any notable awards, it remains a delightful addition to the franchise’s collection of seasonal tales. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Baas, Greg Tiernan, John Gilluley
Actors: Ben Forster, Bob Golding, David Bedella, Jules de Jongh, Mark Moraghan, Mike Grady, Teresa Gallagher, William Hope
Country: United States of America
Company: Arc Productions, HiT Entertainment