The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo
This gripping documentary delves into the harrowing journey of a mother, Marisela Escobedo, as she seeks justice for her murdered daughter in Mexico. The film meticulously chronicles her relentless fight against a flawed legal system and the personal risks she faces in her pursuit of truth. Directed by Carlos Pérez Osorio, the narrative is both a poignant exploration of systemic corruption and a testament to a mother’s unwavering love. While the film has not received major awards, it has been praised for its powerful storytelling and emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Documentary
Director: Carlos Pérez Osorio
Actors: Alejandro Fraire, Arturo Nahle, Blanca Escobedo, Gabino Gómez, Juan Manuel Fraire Escobedo, Leticia Carreón, Lucha Castro, Noel Rodríguez, Patricia González, Ruth Fierro
Country: Mexico
Company: Netflix Studios, Scopio, Vice Studios