The Taking of Tiger Mountain
Set against the backdrop of post-World War II China, this action-packed film follows a group of soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army as they embark on a daring mission to capture a notorious bandit leader. The narrative is driven by the strategic and psychological battle between the soldiers and the bandits, highlighting themes of bravery and camaraderie. Directed by the renowned Hark Tsui, the film features standout performances from stars such as Zhang Hanyu and Lin Gengxin. While it did not receive major awards, the film is notable for its impressive visual effects and engaging storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Adventure, Biography, History, Thriller, War
Director: Hark Tsui
Actors: Chen Xiao, Han Geng, Lin Gengxin, Tong Liya, Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Tse Miu, Xing Yu, Yu Nan, Zha Ka, Zhang Hanyu
Company: August 1st Film Studio, Bona Film Group, Huaxia Film Distribution
Worldwide Gross: $141,654,055