The Rise and Fall of a White Collar Hooligan
In this gritty crime drama directed by Paul Tanter, the story follows Mike Jacobs, a down-on-his-luck football fan who gets drawn into the world of credit card fraud. As he becomes more deeply involved in the criminal underworld, Mike finds himself facing moral dilemmas and dangerous situations. The film stars Nick Nevern and Simon Phillips, who deliver compelling performances that capture the tension and allure of a life of crime. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers an intriguing look at the intersection of sports culture and organized crime. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Paul Tanter
Actors: Billy Murray, Emile Jansen, Nick Nevern, Peter Barrett, Rebecca Ferdinando, Ricci Harnett, Rita Ramnani, Roland Manookian, Simon Phillips
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Chata Pictures, Dystopian Films, Press On Features, Runaway Features