The Harimaya Bridge
In this poignant drama directed by Aaron Woolfolk, a grieving father travels to Japan to collect the belongings of his deceased son, only to uncover unexpected truths about his life and work. The film stars Ben Guillory and Saki Takaoka, who deliver compelling performances that explore themes of reconciliation and understanding across cultural divides. The narrative delves into the complexities of familial relationships and the healing power of art. This heartfelt story can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Genre: Drama
Director: Aaron Woolfolk
Actors: Bennet Guillory, Danny Glover, Hajime Yamazaki, Miho Shiraishi, Misa Shimizu, Misono, Saki Takaoka, Sakura Thomas, Victor Grant
Country: United States of America
Company: Booster Project, Eleven Arts, Laterna
Worldwide Gross: $54,473