The Ghost and the Darkness
Set in 1898, this thrilling adventure follows the harrowing experiences of Colonel John Henry Patterson, played by Val Kilmer, as he is tasked with overseeing the construction of a railway bridge in East Africa. The project is threatened by two man-eating lions, known as “The Ghost” and “The Darkness,” which terrorize the workers. Michael Douglas stars as the enigmatic hunter Charles Remington, who joins Patterson in the perilous mission to stop the deadly predators. Directed by Stephen Hopkins, the film is based on true events and is noted for its intense atmosphere and gripping narrative. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, History, Horror, Thriller
Director: Stephen Hopkins
Actors: Bernard Hill, Brian McCardie, Emily Mortimer, Henry Cele, John Kani, Kurt Egelhof, Michael Douglas, Om Puri, Tom Wilkinson, Val Kilmer
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Bernina Film, Constellation Entertainment, Douglas/Reuther Productions
Worldwide Gross: $38,619,405