The Castle
This Australian comedy film, directed by Rob Sitch, follows the Kerrigan family as they fight to save their beloved home from compulsory acquisition by the government. The story is a heartwarming portrayal of the family’s determination and resilience, highlighting themes of community and the importance of home. Michael Caton stars as the endearing patriarch, Darryl Kerrigan, whose optimism and humor drive the narrative. The film is celebrated for its quintessentially Australian humor and has become a cult classic. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Rob Sitch
Actors: Anne Tenney, Anthony Simcoe, Charles Tingwell, Eric Bana, Michael Caton, Robyn Nevin, Sophie Lee, Stephen Curry, Tiriel Mora, Wayne Hope
Country: Australia
Company: Village Roadshow Entertainment, Working Dog
Worldwide Gross: $889,664