The Carer
In this heartwarming drama, an aging and irritable former Shakespearean actor, played by the legendary Brian Cox, finds his life turned upside down when a young Hungarian woman becomes his caregiver. As the two form an unlikely bond, they navigate the challenges of his declining health and her aspirations, leading to moments of humor and poignant reflection. Directed by János Edelényi, the film explores themes of friendship, legacy, and the transformative power of care. While it may not have garnered major awards, the performances, particularly Cox’s, have been praised for their depth and authenticity. For those interested, the movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Director: János Edelényi
Actors: Andor Lukáts, Andrew Havill, Anna Chancellor, Brian Cox, Coco König, Emilia Fox, Karl Johnson, Richard Ridings, Roger Moore, Selina Cadell
Country: Hungary, United Kingdom
Company: Hopscotch Films, Mythberg Films, Vita Nova Films
Worldwide Gross: $268,476