The Baker’s Son
In this charming romantic drama, a small island community is captivated by the extraordinary bread made by a local baker, played by Brant Daugherty. His newfound baking prowess is mysteriously linked to his emotions, which are stirred by a visiting ballet dancer. Eloise Mumford co-stars as the baker’s childhood friend, who begins to see him in a new light. Directed by Mark Jean, the film explores themes of love, passion, and the magic of culinary arts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Mark Jean
Actors: Brant Daugherty, Brenda Crichlow, Doron Bell, Eloise Mumford, Elysia Rotaru, Haig Sutherland, Maude Green, Nathaniel Arcand, Oliver Rice, Serge Houde
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Crown Media Productions, Front Street Pictures