Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl
In this atmospheric horror film directed by A.D. Calvo, a young woman named Adele is sent to care for her reclusive aunt in a decaying mansion. As she navigates the eerie and isolating environment, Adele forms a friendship with the enigmatic Beth, leading her into a world of unsettling secrets and psychological tension. The film stars Erin Wilhelmi and Quinn Shephard, whose performances add depth to the haunting narrative. This chilling tale can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: A.D. Calvo
Actors: Erin Wilhelmi, Frances Eve, Hada Vanessa, Kristin Johansen, Lainie Ventura, Quinn Shephard, Susan Kellermann
Country: United States of America
Company: Budderfly Productions, Goodnight Film, Greyshack Films