In this coming-of-age comedy-drama, a 15-year-old boy named Oliver Tate navigates the complexities of adolescence, including his first love and the challenges within his family. Set in Wales, the film captures Oliver’s quirky perspective as he attempts to save his parents’ marriage and win the heart of his classmate, Jordana. The movie features standout performances by Craig Roberts and Yasmin Paige, with a notable appearance by Sally Hawkins. Directed by Richard Ayoade, it showcases his unique style and wit. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Richard Ayoade
Actors: Adrienne O'Sullivan, Ben Stiller, Claire Cage, Craig Roberts, Darren Evans, Edwin Ashcroft, Elinor Crawley, Gemma Chan, John Wier, Lily McCann, Lydia Fox, Lynn Hunter, Melanie Walters, Noah Taylor, Osian Cai Dulais, Otis Lloyd, Paddy Considine, Sally Hawkins, Sion Tudor Owen, Steffan Rhodri, Yasmin Paige
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Film4, The Weinstein Company, Warp Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,875,173