This Life
Set in modern-day Montreal, “This Life” is a family drama centered around Natalie Lawson, a successful columnist and single mother in her early forties. When she is diagnosed with terminal cancer, she embarks on a journey to ready her teenage children for a future without her. Her close-knit family, including her sister, two brothers, and parents, strive to support her while also dealing with their own reactions to the news.
Views: 1
Genre: Drama
Director: Joseph Kay, Richard Blaimert, Virginia Rankin
Studio: Sphère Média Plus
Creators: Richard Blaimert
TV Status: Returning Series
43minRelease: 2015
IMDb: 7
TMDb: 4.8
Country: Canada
Networks: CBC Television
Starring: James Wotherspoon, Janet-Laine Green, Julia Scarlett Dan, Kristopher Turner, Lauren Lee Smith, Peter MacNeill, Rachael Crawford, Rick Roberts, Stephanie Janusauskas, Torri Higginson