Sami Blood
Set in 1930s Sweden, this poignant drama follows a young Sámi girl who dreams of a different life beyond her indigenous community. As she navigates the challenges of cultural assimilation and prejudice, the film explores themes of identity and belonging. Directed by Amanda Kernell, the movie has been praised for its authentic portrayal of the Sámi experience and won the Best Nordic Film award at the 2016 Göteborg Film Festival. Starring Lene Cecilia Sparrok in a compelling debut performance, it offers a powerful narrative that resonates with audiences. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Amanda Kernell
Actors: Andreas Kundler, Hanna Alström, Hanna Asp, Julius Fleischanderl, Lene Cecilia Sparrok, Maj-Doris Rimpi, Malin Crépin, Mia Sparrok, Olle Sarri, Ylva Gustafsson
Country: Denmark, Norway, Sweden
Company: Bautafilm, Det Danske Filminstitut, Digipilot, Nordisk Film Production Sverige AB, Sveriges Television (SVT)
Worldwide Gross: $442,416