Return to the Wild: The Chris McCandless Story
Two decades ago, Chris McCandless, a young American hiker and the talented son of prosperous middle-class parents, was discovered deceased in an abandoned bus in the Alaskan wilderness. His story inspired the best-selling book and film “Into the Wild.” Now, PBS retraces McCandless’ journey to uncover the reasons behind his decision to cut all ties with his past, dispose of his money, adopt a new identity, and venture into the Denali Wilderness. For the first time, McCandless’ personal letters, along with new and unexpected interviews, delve into the enigma that remains at the core of a narrative that has become a staple of American literature and continues to captivate many.
Genre: Adventure, Documentary, TV Movie
Director: Ann Johnson Prum, Jeanmarie Condon
Actors: Billie McCandless, Carine McCandless, Jan Burres, Sean Penn, Shawna Downing, Shelly McCandless, Walt McCandless, Wayne Westerberg
Country: United States of America