In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a viral outbreak, a group of elite soldiers embarks on a perilous mission to rescue a scientist who holds the key to a potential cure. As they navigate through hordes of the infected, they must confront not only the undead but also the remnants of humanity’s darker side. The film features an ensemble cast including Oris Erhuero and Carlos Gallardo, known for his role in “El Mariachi.” Directed by Chee Keong Cheung, this action-packed thriller combines elements of horror and military drama. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Chee Keong Cheung
Actors: Akira Koieyama, Carlos Gallardo, Euan MacNaughton, Joshua Dickinson, Katarina Leigh Waters, Mark Strange, Martyn Ford, Michael Sheehan, Oris Erhuero, Robert Goodale
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Apocalypse Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $321,492