Office Killer
In this darkly comedic thriller, a reclusive and socially awkward office worker, played by Carol Kane, finds herself pushed to the brink by the pressures of her job and the people around her. As the story unfolds, her descent into madness leads to a series of unexpected and chilling events within the confines of her workplace. Directed by the renowned artist Cindy Sherman, the film explores themes of isolation and the hidden darkness within mundane environments. The cast also includes Molly Ringwald and Jeanne Tripplehorn, adding depth to this unsettling narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Cindy Sherman
Actors: Albert Macklin, Barbara Sukowa, Carol Kane, Doug Barron, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Linda Powell, Michelle Hurst, Mike Hodge, Molly Ringwald, Paula Cale
Country: United States of America
Company: Good Fear Films, Good Machine, Kardana-Swinsky Films
Worldwide Gross: $76,054