Murder 101: College Can Be Murder
In this 2007 mystery film directed by John Putch, the story follows criminology professor Dr. Jonathan Maxwell, played by the renowned actor Dick Van Dyke, as he delves into a perplexing murder case on a college campus. With the help of his friend and former student, Mike Bryant, portrayed by Barry Van Dyke, the duo navigates through a web of academic intrigue and deception to uncover the truth. The film is part of the “Murder 101” series, known for its engaging plots and clever twists. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, TV Movie
Director: John Putch
Actors: Alex Hyde-White, Barry Van Dyke, Dick Van Dyke, Jonathan Banks, Kimberly Quinn, Molly Hagan, Sarah Jones, Whip Hubley
Country: United States of America
Company: Alpine Medien Productions, Larry Levinson Productions, RHI Entertainment