Mr. Go
In this unique sports comedy-drama, a young girl and her gorilla companion, who has a knack for baseball, find themselves thrust into the world of professional sports in South Korea. The film, directed by Kim Yong-hwa, explores themes of friendship, ambition, and the challenges of fame. With its blend of humor and heartwarming moments, the movie offers a fresh take on the sports genre. Notably, the film features impressive visual effects that bring the gorilla character to life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Sport
Director: Kim Yong-hwa
Actors: Byun Hee-bong, Joe Odagiri, Kim Eung-Soo, Kim Hee-won, Kim Ji-young, Kim Jung-tae, Kim Kang-woo, Ko Chang-seok, Sung Dong-il, Xu Jiao
Country: China, South Korea
Company: Dexter Studios, Huayi Brothers Pictures, Pixeltree studio
Worldwide Gross: $26,835,201