Maya the Bee: The Honey Games
In this animated adventure, Maya, a spirited young bee, finds herself in a challenging situation when she accidentally embarrasses the Empress of Buzztropolis. To make amends, she is tasked with assembling a team to compete in the prestigious Honey Games. Alongside her best friend Willy and a group of misfit insects, Maya embarks on a journey filled with teamwork, friendship, and self-discovery. The film features the voice talents of Coco Jack Gillies and Benson Jack Anthony. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Alexs Stadermann, Noel Cleary, Sergio Delfino
Actors: Benson Jack Anthony, Cam Ralph, Coco Jack Gillies, Jenifer, Jordan Hare, Justine Clarke, Linda Ngo, Marney McQueen, Peter McAllum, Richard Roxburgh, Tess Meyer
Company: Studio 100 Media, Studio B Animation
Worldwide Gross: $10,824,302