Magical Christmas Ornaments
In this heartwarming holiday film, Marie, played by Jessica Lowndes, finds her Christmas spirit rekindled when she receives a box of magical ornaments from her mother. As each ornament seems to bring a little more magic into her life, Marie begins to rediscover the joy and love she thought she had lost. The movie, directed by Don McBrearty, captures the essence of holiday cheer and the power of family traditions. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it remains a charming addition to the holiday movie genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Don McBrearty
Actors: Anthony Ulc, Brendan Penny, Farah Merani, Hattie Kragten, Jessica Lowndes, Judah Katz, Kristen Kurnik, Lindsay Leese, Stephen Huszar, Tim Matheson
Country: Canada
Company: Chesler/Perlmutter Productions, Reel One Entertainment