Leprechaun Returns
In this horror-comedy sequel, a group of sorority sisters unwittingly awaken a malevolent leprechaun while attempting to convert an old house into an eco-friendly sorority house. The film stars Taylor Spreitler, who leads the cast as they face the mischievous and deadly antics of the titular creature. Directed by Steven Kostanski, the movie blends humor with horror, continuing the legacy of the cult classic series. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Steven Kostanski
Actors: Ben McGregor, Emily Reid, Heather McDonald, Linden Porco, Mark Holton, Oliver Llewellyn Jenkins, Pepi Sonuga, Pete Spiros, Sai Bennett, Taylor Spreitler
Country: Canada, South Africa, United States of America
Company: Blue Ice Pictures, Out of Africa Entertainment, Pressure Cooker Studios, Syfy