International Falls
In this 2020 film directed by Amber McGinnis, the story unfolds in a small, snow-covered town where a woman, stuck in a stagnant marriage, encounters a struggling stand-up comedian. The film stars Rachael Harris and Rob Huebel, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate themes of dreams, regrets, and the search for meaning in life’s quieter moments. The narrative is both poignant and humorous, offering a reflective look at personal aspirations and the complexities of human relationships. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Amber McGinnis
Actors: Alvin Cowan, Charles Carroll, Erik Griffin, Kate Freund, Kevin Nealon, Matthew Glave, Mindy Sterling, Rachael Harris, Rob Huebel
Country: United States of America
Company: Outskirt Media, Pegalo Pictures