I’m Just F*cking with You
In this darkly comedic thriller directed by Adam Mason, the story unfolds over the course of one night at a secluded motel. The plot centers around a man named Larry, played by Keir O’Donnell, who is on his way to a family wedding. His plans take a sinister turn when he encounters Chester, portrayed by Hayes MacArthur, a prankster with a penchant for pushing boundaries. As the night progresses, the pranks escalate into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. The film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, TV Movie
Director: Adam Mason
Actors: Charles Halford, Hayes MacArthur, Jessica McNamee, John Marshall Jones, Keir O'Donnell
Country: United States of America
Company: Blumhouse Television, Hulu