Iluminados por el fuego
Set against the backdrop of the Falklands War, this film delves into the haunting memories of a veteran as he reflects on his harrowing experiences during the conflict. The narrative unfolds through a series of flashbacks, capturing the camaraderie and trauma faced by young soldiers. Directed by Tristán Bauer, the movie offers a poignant exploration of the psychological scars left by war. Notably, it won the Goya Award for Best Spanish Language Foreign Film. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Drama, History, War
Director: Tristán Bauer
Actors: Arturo Bonín, César Albarracín, Gabriel Fernández, Gastón Pauls, Juan Leyrado, Lautaro Delgado Tymruk, Marcelo Chaparro, Pablo Ribba, Víctor Hugo Carrizo, Virginia Innocenti
Company: Canal+ España, Gobierno de la Provincia de San Luis, Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Cruz
Worldwide Gross: $775,186