Hail the Judge
Set in the Qing Dynasty, this comedic film follows the story of a bumbling magistrate, played by the renowned Stephen Chow, who is determined to bring justice to his town despite his own incompetence. The plot thickens as he teams up with a clever con artist, portrayed by Ng Man-tat, to solve a complex murder case involving a powerful family. Directed by Jing Wong, the film is a delightful blend of humor and courtroom drama, showcasing Chow’s signature comedic style. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a beloved classic in Hong Kong cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Comedy
Director: Jing Wong
Actors: Ada Choi, Christy Chung, Christy Chung Lai-Tai, Collin Chou, Elvis Tsui, Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong, Joey Leung, Ku Feng, Lawrence Ng, Ng Man-Tat, Sharla Cheung, Stephen Chow
Country: Hong Kong
Company: Win's Movie Productions Ltd.