Sun and Jin’s lives are put in danger when Sayid tries to locate Jack and the other missing castaways. Sayid also creates a plan in order to get the attention…
Sun comes to the realization that she might be pregnant. She struggles on whether to tell Jin about the situation. Meanwhile, with no success from Jack or Sayid, Ana-Lucia is…
During Chinese New Year, a demon attempts to steal a mystical wooden staff, that’s protected by the Zodiacs and they enlist the aid of Piper. Meanwhile, Phoebe enjoys her new…
Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors to take…
After witnessing a Chinese gangland murder, Monk has to stay in an FBI safe house–a cabin in the woods–in the protective custody of Agent Grooms, with Stottlemeyer and Natalie as…
Carter returns to County General to hearty welcomes. Although Abby is shocked to learn that Carter’s beautiful African girlfriend, Kem (recurring guest star THANDIE NEWTON), is already pregnant with Carter’s…
Due to overloaded JAG caseload which was made worse by the review of all of Cmdr. Imes cases, the Admiral has the SecNav re-instate Harm’s Naval Commission, clearing the way…
Josh fails to sway an unruly congressman who insists on voting against the administration on the vice presidential confirmation, but Ryan reaches out to get him to change his mind;…