Desperate to earn some cash to see his favorite artist in concert, a music fan takes to the internet to pick up odd jobs, but soon finds the oddest job…
When Rocksy is accidentally flung inside the humans’ house, Berry and Twig go on a wild adventure to bring her back. / Rocksy is upset when she finds out all…
To avoid a suicide mission, Stan must beat Bullock in a DJ battle; Jeff starts drinking psychedelic teas and builds an imaginary musical instrument with Roger’s help.
Jessica’s superstitions get the best of her when she sells a house with the address 44 West 44th Street – the number 4 being bad luck in Chinese culture. At…
Riki and Kate have their milestone 1000th show together as Garfunkel and Oates. Once they arrive at the venue, everything that could go wrong does with a determined heckler and…
Patty Hearst gets kidnapped and brainwashed, Mark Twain flees the city in fear (and finds his unlikely first hit story) and Mary Ellen Pleasant supports abolitionists with her business earnings.
After Starchy comes down with a cold and needs a magic cure, Finn, Jake, and Princess Bubblegum disguise themselves as wizards and sneak into Wizard City.
Jack learns to appreciate Leap Day while Tracy takes the writers to a restaurant to spend an almost-expired gift card. Liz helps Jenna seduce a billionaire online.
Michael and Dwight head off to Philadelphia to meet Jan for the Northeastern Mid-Market Office Supply Convention. Michael, with the help of Dwight, sets up a party for fellow conventioneers…