Liz looks for a new best friend after discovering that Jenna has traded their friendship for fame. Tracy contemplates mortality as Dotcom and Grizz scramble to show him that life…
Jack’s biological father’s health hangs in the balance as the pair start to build a relationship. Liz draws some attention as a relationship expert, despite her own many failed relationships,…
”Maybe we won.” – Herc. Barksdale plays an expensive game of one-upmanship with an east-side rival. Meanwhile, Herc and Carver take some cash off of Wee-Bey’s hands, and Omar resurfaces…
”A man must have a code.” – Bunk. Tipped off by the wire, Greggs, Herc, Carver and Freamon make a bust, but the incident makes Avon and Stringer suspicious, leading…