When Donovan’s ex, a recovering addict, wakes up with blood on her hands and a dead roommate in her apartment, the team moves quickly, finding there’s more to the story.
Dr. Nancy Jaax and her lab partner, Dr. Peter Jahrling, must take matters into their own hands to determine the source of the virus before it spreads; Dr. Jaax convinces…
Unlikely allies Joe Miller and the crew of the Rocinante led by Jim Holden uncover more about the conspiracy to release the protomolecule on Eros station.
The CIU team tries to exonerate a political activist with suspect views who is serving a life sentence for bombing a mosque and killing an influential Imam and three followers.
Wallace’s career-making case is reexamined by CIU team, but there are unforeseen complexities in this rape and robbery case, and the woman at the center of the crime becomes victimized…
Hayes Morrison needs to dig herself out of what could be a publicly embarrassing situation. She makes a clandestine deal with her adversary, Conner Wallace, to take on the Conviction…
When a lifestyle company’s CEO is threatened, Shade and Angie need to find the source, despite her insistence that everything is going according to her very complicated plan.
When Gina Rineharts father Lang dies and his wife Rose stands to inherit part of the Hancock fortune, Gina faces an uphill battle to ensure her family dynasty is secure….
The epic story of the Hancock dynasty and the bizarre relationship between mining tycoon Lang Hancock, his daughter Gina Rinehart and the beautiful Filipina housekeeper Rose Lacson.
In the climactic season finale, Nick receives devastating news, and struggles to contain his explosive response. A surprise visitor lands in Ben’s life, forcing him to make some very hard…
An amber alert ripples through 19. After realizing he’s been shutting Audrey out, Nick makes a strong commitment to her. Ben continues to date Amelie without telling Nick, adding another…
Tyler botches a takedown of a gang of rapists that nearly costs Nick his life, and leaves Ben to question Tyler’s fitness on the job. Nick brings Harvey to Houle’s…
The first of the month brings “Welfare Day” to 19 – Nick and Ben handle an array of belligerent civilians; the day caps off with a cataclysmic domestic disturbance.
A showdown between rival street gangs goes terribly wrong, leaving Ben’s life in danger. Squad 19 gathers at Marie’s for the Sergeant’s party and Isabelle discovers Nick may have feelings…
Birkhoff tells Nikita that Sonya is Amanda’s mole and not only has Amanda reactivated Sonya’s kill chip but she also placed a second mole in Division to keep an eye…
As he’s waiting for his package to be delivered in a Toronto parking lot, Frank finds himself faced with a series of strange coincidences. He understands he fell into a…
Nikita and Michael capture Cyrus, an arms dealer, who is purchasing a weapon-jamming device for Ari. Nikita convinces Ryan to let them use Cyrus as bait to capture Amanda but…
Amanda sends a rogue Division agent, Anne to spring Owen from a Russian prison, but Owen manages to escape her clutches and sends a message to Nikita that he’s free….
Josh is forced into ”dog” fighting. Aidan is forced to play the good ”son,” while the elders are in town, and Sally has to act as a mediator between the…
Bernie is seriously injured in a car accident leaving Aidan to make a tough decision. Josh wants to slow down his relationship with Nora. Sally meets an old crush, who…
Aidan receives a “video postcard” from an old friend. Sally takes Aidan up on his offer to “take care of her problem.” Josh’s sister moves in with them which causes…
Josh meets a werewolf who teaches him how to accept the change and is more than meets the eye. Aidan begins a dangerous relationship with an acquaintance. Sally learns that…
Sally begs the guys to call Danny over so she can try to make him see her presence somehow. Aidan, while trying to fight off Cara’s unwanted admiration, receives some…
Josh is miserable after his latest full moon transformation resulted in him waking up next to a bloody dead deer in the woods. Aidan suggests that he and Josh should…
Secret Service agents Lattimer and Bering are ”rewarded” with a transfer to the top-secret Warehouse 13. They meet Artie Nielsen, the caretaker of the mysterious warehouse, who tells them about…
A savage murder, seemingly at the jaws of a wild beast, leads Murdoch into the mysterious worls of North American shamaism and lycanthropy. While searching for a reational explanation, Murdoch…
Murdoch’s investigation into the death of a young Jewish man leads to Toronto’s small Jewish getto – the Ward. There he finds a tale of forbidden romance and himself again…
The discovery of a decomposed body leads Murdoch into the fascinating world of telegraphy – the 1895 equivalent of the internet. When Murdoch calls on Enid to assist in the…
Dr. Ogden and Enid compete to nurse the injured Murdoch back to health, as in his delirium he begins to suspect his landlady of planning a murder. Meanwhile, Constable Crabtree…
Murdoch finds himself drawn to the widowed mother of a boy who has gone missing, but the case starts to take a strange turn involving spies, midgets and a robotic…