The Fugitive Task Force launches into full gear after multiple bombings appear to be targeting retired NYPD officers. Also, Ray decides he’s ready to take the next step in his…
Ashford closes in on an enemy while uncovering a dangerous plot. Avasarala faces a crossroads in her personal and political life. The Roci crew works to reestablish life on Ilus…
Avasarala faces fallout for the UN’s military mission. Ashford and Drummer makes big decisions about their future within the OPA. A spreading illness on Ilus takes a toll on Amos….
Naomi and Alex work to keep the Barbapiccola in orbit amidst a power outage. Avasarala faces a tough decision. Holden and Elvi race to find a cure for a disease…
As tensions on Ilus reach a boiling point, Holden reveals a secret. Avasarala debates Nancy Gao while an emergency on the Roci forces Alex and Naomi into action.
New alien threats emerge on Ilus as Naomi battles health challenges on the planet. Bobbie searches for a missing person on Mars. Avasarala faces a new challenge in the UN.
Avasarala is blindsided while on a visit to Mars. The Roci crew continue their protomolecule investigation while tensions between the RCE and Belters reach a tipping point. Drummer and Ashford…
The crew of the Roci investigates a strange protomolecule ruin on an alien planet. Bobbie copes with civilian life on Mars. Drummer and Ashford battle with piracy in the Belt.
Chase, now a social media influencer, is invited to attend the movie premiere for ”When in Gnome”; Brooke and Cary, who are not influencers of any kind, tag along.
Joan worries Sherlock’s sobriety is at risk when she learns he has been lying to her about attending recovery meetings. Also, Sherlock and Joan discover a man’s death caused by…