When a priest at a Catholic boarding school goes missing, Humphrey’s team explores a connection between his disappearance and an ancient local legend.
When an amateur psychic’s unsettling predictions for a grieving woman’s future start to come true, Humphrey must uncover the truth before it’s too late.
The Doctor and Tegan meet again and remember their terrifying adventure against the Cybermen to save the Earth… and the friend they lost along the way.
Heaven and Hell are determined to find the missing angel. An overheard song provides Aziraphale with a Clue. Crowley and Aziraphale visit the pub to discuss ways that humans fall…
Palmer is found not guilty. Parry is arrested in Spain. Noye and his associates are convicted, but the police realise the gold was split after the robbery.
In Tenerife, Palmer learns he is wanted by the police. Cooper and Parry’s plan to move cash across Europe comes unstuck. Noye’s murder trial comes to a dramatic conclusion.
A chain is set up to smelt the stolen Brink’s-Mat gold, sell it back into the market and launder the profits. The police investigation leads them to Kent and Kenneth…
Six armed men steal ÂŁ26m worth of gold from the Brink’s-Mat security depot and set about trying to dispose of the bullion. DCI Brian Boyce sets up a police task…
After the tragic death of his friend Axel Jacklin, Britain’s finest exponent of acting in high winds, Toast finds himself in demand for dramatic roles.
A return to the West End stage in the legendary ’whodunnit’ play The Moose Trap is seriously jeopardised when Toast reveals the killer’s identity in a radio interview.
A number of murders near a government safe house in Midsomer appears to be connected to a group of British spies stationed in East Berlin during the Cold War.