After learning that Percival’s plan to reinvigorate Riverdale would lead to the demise of Pop’s, Tabitha searches for a way to fight back. But when she is targeted by one…
Newly acquainted partners Bernard and Cosgrove investigate the murder of a notorious entertainer. A dispute over throwing out a confession creates a rift in the DA’s office.
Maggie puts herself in danger attempting to take a dark strong creative off the board; Vic and Lou work to repair Vic’s knife; Linda and Chris grapple with Vic’s gift;…
Shirley Chisholm makes a historic run for president, while Gloria struggles to play politics at the DNC. Phyllis takes her new anti-ERA organization national.
Bull mounts the defense of New York City’s chief medical examiner, Julia Martin, when she is charged with tampering with evidence tied to the years-old case that made her career….
As each presidential candidate gets ready to announce their running mate, Olivia finds herself in a potentially dire situation. Meanwhile, Cyrus is presented with damaging information that could alter the…
Olivia and Abby have to put their differences aside and work together to try and take Hollis Doyle down. Meanwhile, Edison realizes he may have made a deal with the…
Following the first Republican debate, Olivia is presented with damaging information about an opponent and enlists the Gladiators to verify its authenticity. Meanwhile, David deals with fallout from his dating…
Mellie manages to make a public gaffe whilst Olivia attempts to fix it. David Rosen looks for advice on dealing with his love triangle with Liz and Susan.
Sharon Goodwin puts her job on the line for a patient in need of a lifesaving bone-marrow transplant. Meanwhile, April cares for a homeless man, Dr. Manning’s parents arrive, and…
Olivia knows she can’t handle this latest storm on her own and calls for help from an unexpected source. Meanwhile, Mellie and Cyrus continue to pull strings from the sidelines…
Gordon and Bullock track down a nemesis from the past, leading to a standoff between Jerome and Gordon. Meanwhile, a magic show at the Gotham Children’s Hospital gala turns into…
A woman dies after undergoing a secret plastic surgery, so Danny and Baez try to figure out what happened. Elsewhere, Frank asks Jamie to solve a cold case; and Erin…
Through flashbacks we learn more about Olivia’s estranged relationship with her father. Meanwhile, both the White House and Pope & Associates are still in the middle of cleaning up the…
As David uncovers the truth about the Cytron case, things come to a head for Olivia, Cyrus, Mellie, Hollis and Verna. Backed into a corner, the five conspirators go to…
After discovering the truth about the rigged White House election, the ”Gladiators in Suits” realize that a quickly unraveling Olivia may not always wear the white hat. Meanwhile, Mellie is…
Changes continue to rock the White House, as we also flashback to learn more about the rigged election. Meanwhile, things get heated between Olivia and Edison after he makes a…
With Huck being held under the Patriot Act, Olivia and the team get unexpected assistance from an old friend. Meanwhile, Olivia helps Mellie out of a very compromising situation that…
Harrison leads the team in managing a billionaire businessman who seems to have lost his sanity; meanwhile, Olivia and the White House prepare to celebrate the President’s 50th birthday, as…
Olivia receives an anonymous letter containing a coded warning which could expose Huck’s dark past. Meanwhile another Pope & Associates secret has already been exposed and Olivia asks Harrison to…
A DC college student goes missing and her grieving parents come to Pope & Associates for help. Meanwhile David is still investigating the Cytron case and gets help from a…
A paranoid government official drops a bombshell on Pope & Associates and even Olivia is caught off-guard with how high up this Scandal goes. Back at the office, unresolved questions…