Mitsuki commandeers a satellite station, hoping to make contact with outer space. Caspar reveals a strange secret he thinks is related to the invasion.
As the citywide blackout continues to cause mayhem in Los Angeles, Athena races to save her family from a tragedy. Meanwhile, Eddie must make a difficult choice about his future,…
The 118 springs into action when a city-wide blackout and a record heatwave causes mayhem in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Chimney confides in Hen about Maddie’s condition, and Athena’s worst nightmare…
A series of ransomware threats leads to an overabundance of emergencies for the 118, including a medevac helicopter crash at a hospital and an air-traffic control tower system failure. Meanwhile…
The 118 races to rescue a little girl in a runaway hot air balloon and help with a city power outage caused by a hijacked tree-trimmer truck; Athena’s investigation into…
The 118 fights an apartment building blaze; Athena’s response to an accident call leads to a more sinister crime; Hen performs a risky medical procedure during a televised cooking show;…
Keaton and his team are able to intervene and stop the assassination of a high-profile congresswoman; Shepherd interrogates the congresswoman, who had previously used Shepherd’s treason conviction as a launching…
When a group of contractors working for the CIA is murdered, Keaton and the team discover the CIA is keeping secrets from the FBI regarding Tal. Shepherd’s ex-husband finds out…
After a bomb explodes in Jersey City, the Cointel team captures a key planner, Sam Fathi, who can lead them to Tal, the mastermind behind the bombing. When Sam proves…
When intelligence obtained by Shepherd during her stint at the notorious ADMAX prison is linked to a pending attack on U.S. soil, Keaton and the CoIntel team embark on a…
Holmes and Watson investigate a homicide in which the victim was murdered in a manner reminiscent of the crimes of an infamous, and already incarcerated, serial killer. Also, Sherlock and…
As Regina tries to refrain from using her magic in order to regain Henry’s trust, she starts seeing a ghost from her past; Mary Margaret and Emma find a survivor…
Nikita and Michael invade Division in an attempt to capture Percy. Alex and Sean get caught in a deadly gunfire battle with the U.S. Marines and Ryan must convince the…
Percy calls the President the United States and threatens to set off a nuclear explosion unless his demands are met. Birkhoff finds two scientists who could help stop Percy’s new…
When it looks like Percy’s nuclear weapons plan is getting out of control, Ryan suggests they go to the Director of the CIA, Morgan Kendrick, for help. Nikita is vehemently…
Emma continues her exhaustive search for evidence that will prove Mary Margaret’s innocence in the murder of David’s wife, Kathryn. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was and before evil…
Division is in an uproar when their agents are being assassinated one by one. Amanda realizes Percy is behind the murders and is trying to undermine her authority with the…
Alex’s mission to take down Gogol comes to a head as she infiltrates her childhood home and faces ghosts from her past. On a completely separate mission, Nikita also ends…
While in prison, Ryan discovers patterns that reveal how Oversight gets its funding. Ryan arranges a meeting with Nikita to fill her in, but Amanda intercepts their coded messages to…
Percy makes a move to take over the CIA, Alex goes rogue, and Michael gets trapped inside Division making him unable to help Nikita, who may have to pay with…
After Michael learns that Percy has ordered Divison to kill anyone who could decrypt the black boxes, he sends Nikita in to save the last person on the list, a…
Ryan intercepts information about a dangerous new weapon coming into the U.S. and asks Nikita to help him prevent its delivery. Nikita learns that the man bringing the weapon into…
Owen leaks secret information from Division’s black boxes to the media, revealing that the U.S. Government was responsible for an assassination in Chile. As a result, Percy frames a C.I.A….
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 5 Episode 12
Season 5
IMDb: 8.5
Air Date: 2009-12-10
After being banned for 10 years from a local drinking competition appropriately named ”Flipadelphia,” the gang tries to reignite their old rivalry with another local bar. Finding that they are…
German agents question Olivia about her “relationship” with David Robert Jones, an escaped prisoner questioned months earlier now living in the U.S. The Fringe Division investigates a threatening case where…
In the fourth season finale, Allison tries to help a young couple who thinks their house is haunted, but her efforts result in murder. Meanwhile, Meghan Doyle tries to sell…