Teddy throws a sleepover at PJ’s apartment to forget about her anniversary with Spencer, while PJ and Emmett take care of their neighbor’s pet rats while he’s away. After Verne…
Starting from where the season 3 finale left off, the Duncans’ house has been destroyed by termites and they must build a new one, with the help of The Muppets.
Amy uses her maiden name to work as a nurse at Gabes’ school so he won’t be embarrassed. Teddy and Vonnie team-up for a school project. PJ and Emmett start…
A bat invades the Duncan house on Halloween; Teddy and Spencer celebrate their 1-year anniversary; Gabe gets tricked by Mrs. Dabney into attending a ceremony in honor of her charitable…
Teddy takes her volleyball coach’s advice to be more aggressive a little too seriously. Bob finds solace at PJ’s new apartment, and Amy unknowingly builds Gabe’s model rocket science project.
Once again, things go awry for Teddy when she tries to win over Spencer’s mom. Amy has mixed feelings when PJ and Emmett get an apartment together. Gabe discovers Bob…
Ivy’s dad opens a weather-themed restaurant where Teddy and Ivy become waitresses. Gabe has a crush on a girl and Amy tries to show her Gabe’s ”soft” side. PJ and…
Bob and Amy vote on baby names. Teddy looks for peace and quiet to do her work. PJ is graduating from high school but feels he might fail; Gabe thinks…
Teddy becomes nervous when she has to kiss Spencer at her job at Super Adventure Land. When they kiss, Teddy begins to have feelings for Spencer again. PJ learns that…
When the Duncans take a family trip to Super Adventure Land, Gabe and Amy get offered a job to be in a commercial, but when they receive the script, Amy…
After accidentally breaking the one and only record made by Bob’s old band, PJ gets the Bob Duncan Experience back together. PJ also learns the real reason why the band…
Teddy and Skyler compete against PJ, Spencer and Emmett in the annual battle of the bands competition at the mall. Teddy then finds out that Skyler and PJ are dating…
A new kid on the block named Austin (Nathan Gamble) who Gabe is forced to become friends with develops a crush on Teddy. She uses the crush to her advantage…
Gabe is left in charge of Charlie while doing a school assignment with Jo. Meanwhile, Teddy accompanies a scared PJ to the dentist and Bob surprises Amy with a spa…
Spencer decides to help Teddy with her dance routine for the school talent show, but when he realizes she is terrible he fakes an injury to get out of it….
The Duncan’s are quick to blame P.J. after they return home to find all of their party decorations destroyed, but P.J. insists that Charlie is the real culprit.
A backwards dance is approaching at Teddy’s school. Teddy asks Spencer out for the big night and Ivy asks out Emmet. Teddy tries to get her first kiss from Spencer,…
Amy reveals that she was Wammy the Ram, the mascot of Teddy’s high school, and pressures her into trying out for the role too. Teddy tries to blow the audition…
Michael speaks out of line at the Dunder Mifflin shareholders meeting and creates a big problem for management, while Jim discovers that nobody in the office thinks he’s the ”real”…