The Royal Woods talent show provides the ultimate stage for all of the Loud family to show off their talents, and beat the Torkelson family once and for all.
When Lucy and the Mortician’s Club bring a cursed wheel of cheese into the house Lincoln and Clyde must race to save everyone from their worst nightmares!
When Clyde finds himself in the BEST program at school Lincoln has to find a way to reconnect before the epic spitball battle they’ve been preparing for and Dad tries…
Lincoln goes on the quest to give Charlie the perfect gift to remember him by Lincoln and his family put all of their talents on the line for the first…
Lincoln and Clyde are determined to make a name for themselves but learn that sacrificing someone else’s dreams to get there isn’t worth it in the end.
It’s parent-teacher conference night and the Loud parents find themselves endlessly running around from class to class. Lincoln has his heart set on the Banana Split that their parents promised…
We meet the Action News Team as Lincoln finds himself taken aback by a new crush. Mom and Dad attempt to befriend a doctor to avoid the astronomical medical expenses…
When Lincoln tries to get out of his chores on Chore Day, he and Clyde end up on a police ride-a-long, drawing unwanted attention from the notorious Custard Gang leader….
Lincoln is excited to stay up late with his best friend Clyde to watch the RIP Hardcore Midnight Marathon, but his plans are ruined when his dad institutes an early…
With Jane and Rafael finally getting ready for their big day, Rafael’s desire to help Jane’s writing dream lands him in trouble. Xo and Rogelio must tell the family about…
After Jane is struck with inspiration for her book, she immediately begins to write, but her next challenge is to get an agent. Rogelio has been so focused on being…
When Jane and Rogelio join forces to pitch a pilot, Jane is excited until she discovers a secret about her book being published. Alba and Jorge make an important decision…
Jane struggles with giving Rafael his space after she discovers that he is hiding a secret. Jane and Michael uncover clues about what happened the day he ”died.” Petra wants…
Jane must get over the newest hurdle in her life, which proves to be harder than she and Rafael would have hoped. Rogelio discovers that he and River are not…
When Hank starts dating a much younger woman, the gang suspects she may be a gold-digger taking advantage of him because of his age. But after rifling through her things,…
Jane believes she and Rafael are in a good place until she realizes he is keeping a secret from her. Alba’s big day has finally arrived, and Jane, Xo and…
Jane and Rafael find themselves in a not ideal living situation in order to save money. When Rafael sees Alba try to punish Mateo, an unexpected rift is formed. Xo…
After Jane, Rafael, Petra and JR all go out together, Jane is bothered to learn that JR doesn’t like her. Jane and Rafael brush off a big relationship moment, but…
Xo struggles to make an important decision and looks to Jane for guidance leaving Rogelio feeling like an outsider. Alba is frustrated with Rogelio when it seems he is once…
When Jane, Rogelio and Alba learn what is going on with Xo, they all try to comfort her, but Xo insists they let her live her life. Rogelio finally gets…
Jane is ready to move on from the Marbella and pursue writing full time, but an unexpected development forces her to consider returning to her teaching roots. When Jane applies…
When Jane and Rafael realize that the uncertain state of their relationship is stressing out Mateo, they decide that they need to make a decision. Petra is on the outs…
Jane is excited for her first book tour and brings Xo along for fun, but Alba decides last minute that she is going as well. Things take an unexpected turn…
When Adam reveals his dating past to Jane, the information puts a strain on their relationship. Lina seeks Jane’s advice about whether she should get married and begs Jane to…
When Jane learns that Rafael introduced Mateo to his new girlfriend, Katherine, without her consent she gets angry since she thinks Katherine has a negative influence on both Rafael and…
Jane and Adam’s relationship seems to be moving at hyper-speed, and Jane thinks that it might be time for him to meet Mateo, but Rafael is not happy with this…
Jane’s burgeoning relationship with Adam helps bring out her fun side and reminds her that she isn’t just a mom. However, when Adam gets a job opportunity, he asks for…
Jane has to learn how to handle her new love life, especially when the guy she is dating introduces her to his grandmother. Petra learns some interesting information about Chuck….
Jane is finally a published author but she’s reluctant to talk about her past to help sell her book. Rogelio is intimidated by his new younger male co-star and begins…
Jane is finally ready to get back in the dating game so she enlists the help of Rafael and Petra. Alba takes Xo and Jane’s advice about being an independent…
Jane feels guilty that she isn’t around for Mateo as much as she would like, so she decides to run for Room Mom against none other than perfect mom, Petra….
When Jane messes up at Mateo’s school, Petra convinces Jane to help with the preschool fundraiser to get in the good graces of the preschool’s director. Jane is excited for…
When Jane is offered a book deal, she thinks her prayers have been answered and debates quitting her awful publishing job. After suffering from panic attacks, Jane is ready to…
Working in publishing is not what Jane thought it would be, until she learns about a showcase for up and coming writers. With Petra helming the Marbella, she decides to…
In the excitement of her big day, Sarah surrounds herself with the original Braverman clan. Meanwhile, Hank approaches Zeek for his blessing and asks Drew for a special favor. Amber…
Zeek and Camille discover a bundle of old rolls of film, and they ask Max to develop the mysterious photos. Sarah overanalyzes Hank’s offer with Julia, and the sisters spew…
Max begins a propaganda campaign against another student after a heartbreaking discovery. Crosby is feeling like a failure when Jasmine gets a job. Ruby breaks Hank’s trust.