Is this now? If you’re looking forward, you’re looking in the wrong direction. The Man in Black offers to lead the way and Delos gets a visitor. Who is James…
After Schwoz creates a disease that accidentally effects Charlotte, Henry, his family, and even Ray, he quarantines them in Henry’s house in order to find a cure.
On the space station, Captain Man and Kid Danger discover a little girl took the astronauts hostage; after realizing the astronauts perform experiments on bunnies, Captain Man and Kid Danger…
A dangerous criminal escapes from Swellview prison, embarrasses Kid Danger and traps Captain Man in a helmet; Kid Danger must use the help of Schwoz to gain a super power.
When Charlotte’s invention for a TV show is accidentally destroyed and then rebuilt, Charlotte worries that the attention she gets could expose Kid Danger and Captain Man’s secret identity.
Captain Man, Kid Danger and Phoebe Thunderman infiltrate a secret villain meeting in Swellview; Phoebe discovers an unexpected attendee at the meeting.
When Kid Danger and Captain Man battle the Time Bandit, Kid Danger accidentally falls into the Time Bandit’s time machine and relives the same day over again.