Setrakian and Fet battle for possession of the Occido Lumen, and gain a surprising new ally. A massive attack imperils Eph, Nora, and Zack’s escape from New York.
Eph must choose between Zack’s safety and the safety of the citizens of NYC. Meanwhile, his relationship with Nora reaches a critical impasse, and Gus and Angel assemble an unlikely…
Eph and Dutch work together to thwart the Master’s greatest ally. Justine runs into trouble with the Mayor while Setrakian tracks down the real owner of the Lumen.
Eph must protect Zack against a surprise intruder into Red Hook. Gus convinces the Guptas to make a difficult choice. Fet and Setrakian set out to acquire the Lumen.
Setrakian and Fet use Fitzwilliam’s info to attack the Master. Eph returns to NYC frustrated but energized to go after the one person responsible for killing his friends.
Eph changes his appearance to leave the city while Nora is left as the reluctant parent for Zack. Dutch and Nora make a deal with Justine to secure Fet’s release…
Gus and Vaun wage an attack on Palmer as Eph struggles to connect with Zack. Councilwoman Justine Faraldo vows to bring her extermination policies to the other boroughs.
Eph and Nora experiment on their newfound patients. Fet and Dutch grow closer as they clear out the neighborhood buildings, and Kelly begins her hunt for Zack.
Eph and Nora work on a biological weapon to kill the strigoi, and Setrakian risks the lives of the entire group to find information about a closely guarded secret text….
Event: CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS 1711 A.D. Author and conspiracy theorist Vladimir Bugos contacts Sydney and Nigel to locate the Golden Falcon of Maribor, a relic last seen the night Crown Princess…