Eli Gold’s trial is underway, with Marissa Gold as part of his legal team. Liz and Ri’chard attempt to solidify their working relationships leading to a surprise discovery about Ri’chard’s…
Richard Sackler and Purdue work the system to prevent their drug from being reigned in, Bridget has a breakthrough in her mission, Betsy has hit rock-bottom while Finnix explores new…
Richard Sackler begins to launch a powerful new painkiller, a rural doctor is introduced to the drug, a coal miner plans her future, a DEA Agent learns of blackmarket pills,…
With Chastain on the verge of shutting down due to the sale by Red Rock, Conrad tries a last-ditch effort to save the hospital and the doctors plan for their…
And when Millie pursued justice, so the envoys of Evil pursued Millie. Meyer appealed to Jonah, whose faith was strained by the trials of The Hunt; and Jonah turned to…
In the beginning, a plague crossed over the House of Heidelbaum. Its youngest, Jonah, was plunged into the belly of the whale; but was culled from the darkness by the…
Smith and Helen’s true loyalties are placed on trial by an old nemesis. The BCR struggles to maintain order across the JPS. Kido is forced to confront his atrocities. Bands…
John and Helen host Himmler and his wife for dinner, along with a new and dangerous threat from Berlin, ObergruppenfĂĽhrer Goertzmann. Juliana returns to the High Castle world, arriving in…
Red presents the Task Force with a Blacklist case searching for a plastic surgeon who creates new identities for wanted criminals. Liz and her sister, Jennifer, secretly investigate the events…
Juliana and Wyatt’s mission takes them farther east and dangerously close to the center of a top-secret Nazi project. Trying to improve relations between their sides, Tagomi reaches out to…
Juliana’s attempt to stop the Nazis lands her in a precarious position. Himmler and John Smith lead a lavish celebration of Year Zero. Amid a series of successes, Smith faces…
Juliana recognizes that her and Tagomi’s fates are intertwined. Tagomi and Admiral Inokuchi realize the Reich is imposing a covert oil embargo on the Pacific States. Reichsmarschall Rockwell and J….
Juliana and Tagomi pursue the mysteries of the films and Juliana reunites with an old friend. Childan is anxious to return to San Francisco now that the reprisals have stopped,…
A new community fights for survival in the Neutral Zone. Juliana and Joe get reacquainted, while Joe continues his undercover work for Himmler. Wyatt drops in on Juliana in San…
As the ReichsfĂĽhrer continues to provoke the Japanese Pacific States, Juliana barely escapes a deadly situation and discovers a trove of Nazi secrets. John Smith tangles with his political adversary….
Juliana Crain makes a new acquaintance in the Neutral Zone – an Irish fixer named Wyatt – and soon finds herself on the run and seeking Tagomi’s aid. The Japanese…
With Wyatt’s aid, Juliana flees San Francisco with the stolen Nazi secrets. Childan can finally return home; Ed decides to stay in the Neutral Zone. Tagomi makes revelations to Kido…
Juliana embarks on a mission to stop the Nazis – a mission that reunites her with old friends. Thelma and Nicole grow closer, despite the risks. Smith learns more about…
Juliana realizes time might be running out, but recruiting supporters continues to prove challenging. Tagomi finds himself in a dangerous life-or-death struggle. In therapy, Helen Smith crosses a line. Kido…
Bull returns to work following his heart attack with a new rich client for the firm to represent: an insurance company being sued by a dying mother for denying coverage…
As Juliana worms closer to the Smiths, she discovers a dangerous secret. Childan and Ed get themselves in a sticky situation as they try to settle the Yakuza debt. On…
Tagomi enlists Kido in a deception to save Japan from destruction. As Smith’s life crumbles around him, he makes a dangerously bold play to hold onto his power. Joe tries…
Juliana gathers intel for the Resistance that could trigger WWIII. When the political situation in Berlin becomes unsafe, Joe must make a choice that could put his life in danger….
Joan investigates her first solo case when a wife disappears. The missing woman left behind a tear-filled video that mentions a murder on a subway platform. While Joan searches for…
Alicia is presented with a career-changing offer that includes a substantial financial risk; Diane and Will confront their creditors; Eli and Jordan don’t agree on a possible attack on Maddie’s…
A state trooper targets Zach, putting Alicia on the offensive; Kalinda decides to face her problems; Diane and Will explore the firm’s financial issues.
An unlikely witness threatens to expose the perpetrators of the woods massacre, sending Eli – and Agent Nelson Van Alden – rushing to the hospital. As Nucky re-evaluates his relationship…
German agents question Olivia about her “relationship” with David Robert Jones, an escaped prisoner questioned months earlier now living in the U.S. The Fringe Division investigates a threatening case where…
When a strange parasite attaches itself to the internal organs of a dying FBI agent, Olivia suspects a connection to the Pattern; Peter and Walter tap into a dead man’s…
Goren and Eames investigate when Isabel Harrington is found murdered in her apartment, and while their investigation initially leads them to the married father of her 18-month-old daughter, they soon…
Love is in the air as Will’s slightly eccentric new client falls for Jack after he interrupts their meeting, but when Jack refuses to accept the romantic offer, Will sinks…
After being buried alive, a woman comes out of the grave with amnesia and the only thing she remembers is that there is a bomb aboard a Navy ship. While…
Amy must rule on the fate of conjoined twins; Jared proposes to Maxine before taking a job in China; Carole tries to push Vincent away after she learns the lump…
Toby and Mandy push for a commerce bill with a census-counting provision, with three votes as the deciding factor; Sam tutors C.J. on the finer points of the census; Josh…
Mulder and Scully have 24 hours to save A.D. Skinner from being killed by a biologically engineered disease. The disease appears to be created by a shadowy government organization, but…
Ross and Hathaway’s jobs are in jeopardy after their unauthorized treatment of a drug-addicted 7-month-old boy is discovered. Corday loses her sponsorship. Carter suspects Del Amico’s boyfriend when drugs are…
Ross treats a 6-month-old recovering from methadone withdrawal. A televangelist and his wife, who’s suffering from an infection, plan a broadcast from the ER. Del Amico’s old boyfriend arrives, and…
In San Francisco, a radio station’s new manager is trying to change their image by firing every staff member who is past a certain age and playing music for teen-agers…
Steve succeeds in eluding his community service assignment at a retirement home; but reconsiders after encountering Saul Howard, a famous actor who worked on Samantha’s sitcom. Saul is a vibrant…
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Season 1 Episode 1
Season 1
IMDb: 7.9
Air Date: 1993-09-12
1h 33min
Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis and tries to get a job at the Daily Planet. He is teamed up with with world-class journalist Lois Lane to investigate a possible sabotage…
Philip and Vivian welcome a ’60s radical, who arouses the FBI’s interest and influences Will and Carlton to take action over the firing of a nonconformist teacher.