Prince Igor receives a hero’s welcome in Novgorod but back in Kiev the mood is darker: Prince Oleg will not be giving up the fight. Meanwhile, Ubbe’s settlers are overjoyed…
It’s Election Day in Kattegat and all eyes are on the voting. But strangers arriving at the harbormay force an unexpected outcome. Meanwhile, Ivar receives the signal from Prince Dir…
The mood has changed when the Rus army returns to Kiev and Oleg isolates Ivar. But Dir confirms that he’s mustering a force to overthrow Oleg and Ivar is part…
In Iceland, Ubbe learns the truth about Kjetill and has a difficult decision to make. Back in Norway, the battle against the Rus has had grave consequences. But re-enforcements have…
In Iceland, Ubbe and Torvi finally meet a mysterious wanderer. Bjorn is forced to re-think who his enemies are when Erik returns from a scouting mission with worrying information. Bjorn…
Bjorn faces a difficult decision. Ubbe and Torvi leave Kattegat in search of new lands and perhaps old friends. Oleg’s plans for the invasion of Scandinavia take shape. King Harald…
Hvitserk is severely tested. Floki makes an amazing discovery. Freydis gives Ivar a surprise. Ubbe negotiates with the three Danish Kings that have massed their armies in Reading, but the…
An unexpected turn amongst the settlers leaves Floki powerless. King Alfred confronts Judith. In York, Bjorn must strike a deal with Harald. Wessex is once again threatened by a Viking…
Bjorn achieves one of Ragnar’s dreams. Ivar hatches a new plan while preparing for a divine arrival. In Iceland, a settler returns in a terrible state. King Alfred faces his…
As the celebrations for Ivar continue in Kattegat, grief hits Iceland and Floki must now make a fated decision. Harald’s army approaches Wessex. A conspiracy grows against King Alfred.
Heahmund must try to convince King Alfred that his actions are in defense of the Crown. Ubbe and Torvi strengthen the position of the Vikings but not all in the…
The army leaders consider their options in the aftermath of the battle. In Floki’s camp, all hopes of binding the community together are dashed as tragedy unfolds.
The battle for Kattegat begins and, as the two armies line up to fight, the Great Heathen Army must decide between a final plea for peace or all-out war. Floki…
Bjorn returns to Kattegat to learn that an attack will take place during the next full moon. Ivar must decide if he can place his trust in a former enemy…
Lagertha is betrayed, and Bjorn must find a way to support the distraught queen. Floki and his settlers arrive in a new land, but it is far from what they…
Gibson and Burns are hauled over the coals by the Police Ombudsman and the Policing Executive for their conduct and handling of the case. When Spector’s name is released to…