Kid Flash returns to Central City with a Zen attitude and new tricks up his sleeve. While thrilled to see his family again, Wally confides to Barry that he returned…
The queens try out their best celebrity impressions for a romantic take on Snatch Game, and guest judges Gus Kenworthy and Keiynan Lonsdale weigh in on the competition.
After an unexpected guest from the future, Nora West-Allen, appears at their home, Barry and Iris must figure out how to get her back to the future without disrupting the…
The Legends plan to vanquish Mallus by using the totems doesn’t go as planned, forcing Rip to improvise. The team finds itself regrouping in the Wild West where they run…
With the timeline barely stable, the Legends must tackle two anachronisms at the same time to try and keep Mallus at bay. Sara and Rip team up to stop Grodd…
When Ava disappears, Sara and Ray set out to find her after some prodding from Time Bureau agent Gary and a disturbing truth about Ava. Amaya tasks Zari with helping…
When Mallus’ power over Sara resurfaces, she unwittingly becomes the bearer of one of the Totems. Rory must conquer his dark side in order to wield his own Totem power…
When the Legends learn that a mysterious tragedy destroyed Memphis in 1954, thus eradicating the birthplace of rock and roll, they embark on their most important mission – to save…
When Damien and Nora Darhrk take Ray hostage they force him to try and fix the Fire Totem, but Ray tries to use the power struggle between them to his…
When Sara decides to take some private time, the Legends pursue a lead on the whereabouts of the long-lost Earth Totem. Without Sara’s knowledge, the Legends find themselves in 1717…
After the team returns from a mission, Zari finds herself trapped in a time loop that results in the Waverider blowing up over and over again. Zari soon begins to…
Barry and Iris’s wedding brings the gang together, but things go awry when villains from Earth-X attack the ceremony. All of the superheroes band together with help from their super…
Barry comes face to face with DeVoe. Devoe’s past is revealed through flashbacks. Meanwhile, Iris puts the final touches on the wedding, which is a week away.
Barry has his hands full when he takes on a dangerous meta who can control technology, while also confronting an obstacle in his personal life: the ramifications of abandoning Iris…
When the Legends realize that they broke the timeline, Rip Hunter arrives with his new organization – the Time Bureau – to relieve them of duty. The Legends are thrilled…
With Barry in the speed force, Iris, Kid Flash, Joe and Vibe have taken over protecting Central City. However, when a powerful armored villain threatens to level the city if…
After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary’s Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally…
With Barry gone, the team must figure out a way to handle the return of an old enemy – Girder. Realizing Girder is retracing his steps from his last attack,…
Zoom arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it’s extremely dangerous….
A meta-human with super strength named Griffin Grey mistakes Harry for Earth-1 Harrison Wells and kidnaps him, demanding that Wells cure him from his current condition. Realizing another brilliant Wells…
Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against that plan but…
After the shocking revelation that Zoom is Jay Garrick, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to…
Having arrived in town intent on creating maximum chaos, Trajectory’s antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by the Flash himself. Barry thus must quickly! uncover the mystery of who…
When King Shark escapes from an A.R.G.U.S.holding tank, Lyla and Diggle travel to Central City to warn The Flash. King Shark shows up at the West house and attacks Joe,…
Barry, Wells and Cisco journey to Earth-2 to rescue Wells’ daughter, Jesse from Zoom. Barry is stunned when he runs into Earth-2 Iris and Joe, but nothing prepares him for…
Barry teams up with Wells to figure out a way to close the breaches, but they are distracted by a meta-human nicknamed Tar Pit who can transform into liquid asphalt….
When Cisco gets a vibe of Eobard Thawne, Barry and the team don’t believe it. But, after an attack at Mercury Labs, Christina McGee confirms that the Reverse Flash is…
Now that they’ve grown closer, Barry considers telling Patty that he is The Flash. Meanwhile, Joe and Iris try to get to know Wally, and the team hunts down a…
When Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold and James Jesse AKA The Trickster out of Iron Heights, Barry must stop these rogues…