Donna is upset by her mother’s decision to sell the house. David hangs out with her at the apartment, and they both fall asleep on the couch. Donna pulls away…
Mitch annoys Donna by trying to plan their entire relationship via an electronic organizer. She suggests that they stop seeing each other outside of the business setting. Mitch responds by…
Dylan and Matt go dirt biking for the weekend. They find that their campground is the site of a rave. Matt unwittingly drinks fruit juice that contains liquid acid. He…
Dylan orders his father to leave. He is angry with Kelly for going against his wishes by contacting Jack. Dylan storms out of another meeting with his father after learning…
Dr. Martin dies of a stroke. Kelly suggests that Gina is to blame for his death, as does the grief-stricken Felice. David also seems to support this theory. Gina is…
Shane demands a one-million-dollar ransom from Dylan. Noah points out that it may have been smarter to kidnap someone whom Dylan actually likes. Dylan agrees to pay the ransom; but…
The Martins ask Gina to join them for Christmas. However, they refuse to allow her at their Christmas Eve party because they don’t want to explain the situation to friends….
Gina considers leaving Los Angeles. Donna tells Gina the truth about her parentage. An outraged Gina lashes out at Donna. Whereas she had previously believed that her rough childhood was…
Steve and Janet endure various calamaties on their honeymoon. Just as they are beginning to have a good time, Janet goes into labor. Although the birth is expected to be…
Janet pulls through, but the baby suffers from lung problems. Doctors successfully intubate the child, and she is able to breathe on her own. Steve and Janet name their daughter…
Gina decides to sue Felice for $1.1 million for the money her mother misspent and ””pain and suffering.”” Donna, torn apart by her family’s bickering, runs crying to Noah. She…
Gina finds heroin in Dylan’s jacket. He throws out his stash to prove himself, but continues to get high. Dylan tries to visit Toni’s grave, only to find that it…
Abby announces that she and Carl are planning to elope in Las Vegas, and asks Val to be her maid of honor. Valerie bonds with Carl during an evening at…
David angers Valerie by moving out of her room and into Carly’s old house. She apologizes for her behavior and arranges for a record company executive to watch Jasper’s Law…
Valerie completes her community service, but not before arranging for Brandon to run into Kelly and Jeff during a date. A woman considers calling off her wedding to one of…
Admiral Chegwidden investigates the apparent suicide of his mentor, Admiral Clancy, who allegedly shot himself while on a hunting trip with several friends. Chegwidden can’t believe that his friend would…
Dr. Monahan’s behavior unnerves Kelly as he checks out her injured shoulder. Brandon insists that Kelly simply felt strange about being examined by an acquaintance, but she later finds reason…
Brandon is arrested for obstructing justice. Erica agrees to participate in a sting operation so that Riggs can be arrested on another charge without her testimony. Riggs gets busted for…
Kelly undergoes successful surgery and begins to recover from her injuries. Brandon picks the shooter out of a police lineup. Kelly suffers complications and must undergo surgery for a blood…
Donna’s boss becomes ill and asks her to coordinate the photo shoot. The event proves to be an unmitigated disaster, and the photographer berates Donna. Noah Hunter, a male model…
The gang has trouble finding work after graduating from college. Steve accepts a position as alumni representative for his fraternity (for a dollar a year). Valerie runs through a series…
Brandon stops Valerie from killing herself and agrees to let her stay at the house. They arrive at the graduation ceremony in time for Brandon to receive an award. Kelly…
Valerie becomes depressed when her mom, Jim and Cindy all fail to come to graduation. She tries to make amends with Kelly after overhearing her push Brandon to evict her….
Kelly learns that she is pregnant, and has difficulty breaking the news to her mother. Brandon is thrilled, but Kelly isn’t sure that she wants the baby. Driscoll suggests that…
Brandon breaks up with Tracy, and he and Kelly decide to go out. Valerie vows to help Tracy win back Brandon. She sends Kelly a phony telegram from Dylan asking…
Brandon and Tracy visit Jim in Hong Kong; Cindy is in London helping Brenda cope with mononucleosis. Jim realizes that Brandon still has feelings for Kelly, but Brandon claims that…
Brandon, Steve and Dick play in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Dick’s pot smoking concerns Brandon. A wasted Dick buys some heroin at the After Dark, and Steve decides to join…
David seeks his father’s help in winning over Felice. Mel and Jackie invite David, Donna and her parents over for dinner. Felice makes snide remarks about the pre-prom incident from…
Steve elects to plead guilty, leaving his punishment to the lenient Chancellor Arnold. Brandon refuses to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit, and faces a hearing and…
Joe rejects a plea bargain and decides to go to trial. Donna testifies that Ray was physically harming her, and Valerie corroborates this with her eyewitness account of the Palm…
Ray files battery charges against Joe, who is suspended from the homecoming game when the coach discovers that he missed curfew on Halloween. The football team shuns Donna until she…
Dylan asks Toni to marry him. Kelly is shaken by the news, and angers Dylan with her selfish reaction. She also bristles at David’s new relationship with Valerie. Clare comes…
Donna, Kelly, Clare and Valerie try out for the Tournament of Roses Court. The other girls only wish to secure invitations to a ball, but Donna elects to proceed with…
Kelly returns from a modeling stint in New York. She brings home an artist boyfriend named Colin, who rents a loft in Los Angeles. Brandon comes home from a summer…
Jim and Cindy leave for Hong Kong. Kelly wants to continue her relationship with Brandon, but he cannot get over the rejected marriage proposal. Steve and Donna head to Palm…
As a class project, David and Clare plan to film a documentary about an eclectic group of roommates. When the subjects back out, David and Clare decide to impersonate them,…
Jim and Cindy fly to London to spend Christmas with Brenda. Brandon stays in town with Kelly, who is reluctant to reveal her scars to him. Felice offers Ray $10,000…
Cindy convinces Dylan to come over to the Walsh house, where he is confronted by an intervention. Valerie and Clare run into each other during a shopping excursion and discuss…
Brandon has difficulty coming to grips with Josh’s death. Kelly tries to support him, but fears that they are drifting apart. Alex tells Brandon that he is contesting his presidency….
Donna plans to take a semester off to become a debutante in Houston. Kelly realizes that Donna is hiding behind her mother to shield herself from David. Brandon tries to…
Donna and David celebrate their second anniversary as a couple. She finally agrees to sleep with him, but their romantic evening is interrupted by a surprise visit from her parents….
Brandon and Steve become very competitive over a tennis match, and nearly come to blows when Steve purposely hits Jill with the ball. Jill pushes Brandon away. She confesses that…
Donna is suspended, and must enroll in summer school before she can graduate. Felice refuses to appeal the ruling because she is worried about her own reputation. Donna changes her…
Brandon and Andrea discover that the school board has quietly passed a measure in which any senior found drunk at the prom will be barred from graduation. Jackie tells David…
On a rainy Saturday afternoon, Brenda, Kelly, Donna and David head to the Bel Age Hotel to meet Donna’s favorite pop group, Color Me Badd. David rents a room so…
Andrea is outraged when the school refuses to allow students to take part in a health survey that includes questions about sex. She goes before the school board and introduces…
Hawke and Dominic arrive for a rendezvous with Archangel in the desert, only to find his jeep abandoned and no sign of him. The F.I.R.M., who have reason to believe…