As Merwyn forges an uneasy alliance to achieve her plans for Elfkind, the battle begins in Xintrea, where Éile finds her voice and Fjall loses control.
A tavern brawl puts Éile on a collision course with destiny, emotions get the best of Fjall after a close call, and a royal betrayal leads to bloodshed.
Geralt turns to the bard Jaskier for help, Yennefer realizes just how special Ciri is, and tensions rise on the eve of Emperor Emhyr’s visit to Cintra.
As a powerful mage joins the hunt for Ciri, she cuts a deal with Vesemir over his extraordinary discovery. Geralt explores the mystery of the monoliths.
A mysterious man tries to entice Geralt to join a hunt for a rampaging dragon, a quest that attracts a familiar face. Ciri questions who she can trust.
Heedless of warnings, Yennefer looks for a cure to restore what she’s lost. Geralt inadvertently puts Jaskier in peril. The search for Ciri intensifies.
Woking, 1905. A Martian capsule lands on Earth. When George and Amy join the curious crowd to examine it, the unleashing terror turns their lives into a nightmare.
The Paris Temple of the Knights Templar is under siege; De Nogaret plants doubt in King Philip’s mind; Queen Joan must decide what is best for Navarre.
Landry and Gawain meet a mysterious woman who claims she can lead them to the Grail; Joan hears of an attack on Navarre; De Nogaret devises a way to improve…
On the Pope’s orders, Landry and Tancrede travel to investigate the Holy Grail’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, the plotting behind the royal wedding becomes deadly.
After the battle of Acre, we join the Knights Templar in Paris where Landry, a veteran of the Holy Wars, fears that the Order has lost its way. When the…
Lancaster is restored to the throne, with Warwick in control. But rumours that Edward is returning with an army unsettle the court. Anne and Margaret of Anjou sail from France,…
Exiled in France, Warwick still plots to control the crown. His youngest daughter Anne is used to make an unexpected alliance, giving him command of a huge army. When Warwick…