With Lyle and Erik in custody for suspicion of murder, defense attorney Leslie Abramson works tirelessly alongside Jill Lansing to understand the motive that could drive two young men to…
When a law firm courting Randy for a job invites Randy and Max to dinner at a hip new restaurant, the evening veers off course when their eclectic cuisine doesn’t…
Drake and Josh get invited to Thorton’s sixteenth birthday party, which will be taped by MTV and be made into an episode of, ”Dude, I’m Sixteen”. Later, Drake gets an…
Drake and Josh find that Megan is being more secretive than usual. So they start to investigate her to see what she’s up to. They think that she is meeting…
Drake has taken advantage of Josh for the last time and Josh decides that he is done dealing with Drake. Drake says he’s fine with this, but when Josh’s life…
The whole gang has gathered at Drake and Josh’s house before Drake’s big concert, but thanks to Walter’s poor weather predictions they end up stuck in the house due to…
The CSI team has a problem after learning the family is deaf: now they have to find a new way to catch the killer. Meanwhile, more information is given on…
Josh’s e-pal, Yooka, is coming from Yudonia to visit Josh. Drake doesn’t care about her at first, but then he sees how hot she is. Josh overhears Yooka telling her…
Josh and Drake both get a job at the movie theater. Josh does a bunch of work, but Drake slacks off and gets all the credit. When Drake becomes Josh’s…
Corday clashes with new surgical resident Paul Nathan regarding his intervention into the treatment of a sickly young woman, Alison, who has signed a ”do not resuscitate” order. Abby wonders…
Fred discovers her old physics professor is the one who exiled her to Pylea; Cordelia can’t get comfortable with Connor and begins to wonder more about her history with Angel.
The Tylers and The Kyles go at it in a game of bowling. All this is going on during Star Trek night. Junior meanwhiles develops a crush on The Tyler’s…
Lauren gets a gun to protect herself from Daniel. Jeremy won’t tell Marilyn what happened to his mother. Scott gives Winslow High’s first student to get accepted to Harvard an…
Malcolm’s family and scores of others are forced to relocate to a school gym because of a toxic-chemical spill caused by a derailed train. Seems it ran over an old…