Though quite mild when compared with its profane brethren, “damn” has maintained its meaning from biblical times and can still pack a punch even today.
With medieval roots as a term for excrement, this filthy vulgarity evolved over time into something much more versatile — and sometimes even positive.
Maggie and OA are on a mission to find a couple who are behind a spree of violent armed robberies that resulted in the death of an off-duty police officer.
Kevin, Mia, Jonah, and Adrian arrive at an abandoned gas station where Kevin tries to reason with Clay amid fears of the wherabouts of his child. At the mall bookstore,…
The Mist has settled over town as Eve, Alex, and other mallgoers try to manage the rising panic. Meanwhile, Kevin, Adrian, Mia, and Jonah venture out into the mist to…
A man takes hostages, including Joan, and threatens to execute them unless Holmes finds the person responsible for the death of his son. As Sherlock investigates, the captor gives him…
In attempt to find the contents of his stolen container, Lucifer enlists the help of an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Chloe digs deeper into the Palmetto case, uncovering a lead that…
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 17 Episode 5
Season 17
IMDb: 7.8
Air Date: 2015-10-14
An unarmed black man is shot by three police officers who claim they were following proper procedure while pursuing a rape suspect. As racial tensions mount throughout the city, Barba…
The family’s reverend is hit by a car, igniting passionate family discourse about religion and spirituality. In addition, Jerrod and Maxine must face deeper aspects of their relationship. Season 1…
Gordon’s assignment at Arkham Asylum gets off to a rocky start when the murder of a guard ignites an investigation, leading him to meet Dr. Leslie Thompkins. Cobblepot continues to…
Selina and the staff prep for her debate with George Maddox, Danny Chung, congressman Owen Pierce and Joe Thornhill, a major-league baseball manager who recently entered the race. Dan returns…
At an economic summit in Detroit, Selina’s staff and her family are peeved by the presence of her new personal trainer. Meanwhile, Jonah and Mike negotiate a photo-op with Selina…
Selina has a secret lunch with a major strategist she may tap as her campaign manager, even as Amy and Dan are openly vying for the job. Meanwhile, Defense Secretary…
After a quick visit to their new campaign HQ, Selina and her team go on a ride-along with the Coast Guard, where they learn the president has flipped on a…
In Iowa, Selina courts possible caucus voters at a book signing for her new autobiography, while her team attends a staff wedding in D.C. As the day proceeds, she and…
As a hostage crisis in Uzbekistan heats up, Selina and Secretary of Defense General Maddox have trouble getting on the same page at their joint appearance at the Marine Corps…
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 14 Episode 15
Season 14
IMDb: 8.1
Air Date: 2013-02-20
The SVU squad tries to keep Detective Rollins’ sister safe from her abusive boyfriend when she turns up beaten and pregnant; when Rollins is forced to take drastic action, an…
”Bombshell” faces its first audience just as a major crisis hits Rebecca Duvall. The team of Tom and Julia scramble to fix the show when the first preview falls short,…
Ivy worries as Derek grows closer to Rebecca and Karen has to choose between Dev and the show. Ellen and Julia fight over Michael’s possible return and Sam brings Tom…
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 13 Episode 14
Season 13
IMDb: 8
Air Date: 2012-02-15
After a couple is murdered in their home and their daughter is critically injured, SVU uncovers a number of twisted family secrets, as well as detective Rollins’ gambling addiction.
Alicia and Will go toe-to-toe with his ex during a court-ordered mediation, while Eli and Diane clash over the best way to handle a dairy company’s PR disaster.
The launch of a heated lawsuit over the potential theft of a multi-million dollar website leaves two bodies in the company’s office. Goren and Eames enter the world of ”Kizmate”…
”If animal trapped call 410-844-6286” – Baltimore, traditional Burrell tries to help Daniels. Bubbles’ big plan backfires and leaves him in big trouble. Colvin tries to find a solution for…
”That all there is to it?” – Bubbles While searching for the missing bodies, Freamon goes around the chain of command after being rebuked by Landsman. Carcetti finds that his…
”You play in dirt, you get dirty.” – McNulty Randy has trouble with his friends at school, while Carcetti faces a huge dilemma. Meanwhile, Omar visits Proposition Joe, while Freamon…
”World goin’ one way, people another.” -Poot Walker catches Donut boosting cars and teaches him a lesson; Commissioner Burrell gets advice from Senator Davis; Little Kevin has a talk with…
”Don’t try this shit at home.” – Norman Wilson Carcetti responds to a campaign smear. Randy is accused of a serious transgression. Colvin’s special class gets its first enlistees.
”I still wake up white in a city that ain’t.” – Carcetti In the hopes of possibly saving her job, Pearlman and Freamon continue arguing over the subpoenas, as the…
”…while you’re waiting for moments that never come.” — Freamon Responding to a call for an officer’s call for help, McNulty and Prez turn up the wrong alley, with unanticipated…
”Crawl, walk, and then run.” — Clay Davis With Amsterdam running full tilt, Carver and Truck discover there really is no honor among thieves. Prez impresses the detail with what…
”Just a gangster, I suppose.” — Avon Barksdale Stringer Bell gets an education in construction management; Bunk uses shoe-leather to catch up with Omar and deliver a searing message; a…
”I had such fuckin’ hopes for us.” — McNulty Frustrated in his grass-roots reform efforts, Colvin arms himself with intelligence from Daniels’ detail and personally delivers a message to the…
”Why you got to go and fuck with the program?” — Fruit West Baltimore residents get some surprising straight talk at a community meeting from Major Colvin. Bubbles finds gainful…
”Business. Always business.” — The Greek The Detail has a setback, while Russell and Bunk revisit Philly to look for evidence. Brother Mouzone talks with Stringer Bell about their agreement,…
”What they need is a union.” — Russell Bunk and Freamon chase their crime scene, a container ship, to Philly. Lt. Cedric Daniels–disgusted with his exile to the evidence control…
”This is me, yo, right here.” – Wallace. The low-rise pay phones are out of service, so McNulty and Daniels try to keep pace by tapping Barksdale’s office. Bodie gets…
”And then he dropped the bracelets…” – Greggs. With Wallace in custody, McNulty and Daniels try to figure out what to do with him in the months before he testifies….